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Netheril : Age of Magic

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Author Topic: Rain Everest  (Read 6222 times)


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Rain Everest
« on: April 17, 2018, 04:55:17 am »
Rain's story begins as an orphan on the streets of a crime riddled city he no longer remembers.

Rain knows that he once had parents, as he was clearly born, but he does not know if his parents were murdered, if some accident befell them, or if he was abandoned. Regardless, Rain was left alone, to fend for himself in an extremely inhospitable environment. It was in these slums that Rain grew and developed a keen intellect, particularly for his age. He noticed how others fought to live another day, how each person around him did whatever they needed to do in order to survive.

Over time, Rain developed his own survival instincts, and continued to eek out an existence of his own, in a slum that seemingly wanted nothing more than his death. Rain was a survivor, and in doing so he also developed a sense of detachment, an unfeeling, an uncaring for the connection with others. Other people were a means to an end. In many ways, Rain was a sociopath, a person devoid of empathy but also an individual devoid of any strong emotion. Rain could not afford friendship, nor attachment, nor emotion if he were to survive, be that here, or anywhere.

As the years pressed on, Rain applied himself to new tasks, new jobs, some more violent than others, all in an effort to survive by way of profit. Rain knew that profit, gold coin, was all that separated himself and the slums from the comfort afforded to the wealthy. Rain saw small wars fought between local gangs and the way in which coin influenced the survival of even the weakest. With this in mind, Rain's goal was set forth - to amass a fortune as a means of surviving the conflicts of the world.

It was at this point that Rain began to develop skills, such as those one might use to kill for profit. He knew that he cared little for the lives of others. He knew that he'd be more than willing to kill for coin. His conscience did not work like others, and he knew he could use this to his advantage.

Rain saw the dishonesty of those around him, saw the wanton death, even those that took deliberate pleasure in the pain of others, and was disgusted. While Rain may be willing to kill for coin, and is certainly no saint, he did however have a certain set of rules that set him apart from those that deserved to die.

Rain's moral code, though non-exhaustive, is roughly as follows

Rain is as honest as is otherwise possible. One's word is one's bond. If one's word and name is of no value, one's talents are of no value.
Rain does not kill children, if otherwise avoidable. They are innocent and have not yet done any great evil worthy of a just death. Adults have had the opportunity to do wrong, and certainly all have done some evil, great or small.
Rain holds slavery with great disdain, as it inhibits an individual's free will, and thus their freedom to commit evil acts worthy of a just death.

[More to be added at a later time]
« Last Edit: April 17, 2018, 06:15:41 am by cheeriostm »