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Author Topic: The Hammer of Lady Justice - Tyranus Trulight  (Read 7118 times)


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The Hammer of Lady Justice - Tyranus Trulight
« on: October 24, 2018, 09:19:25 am »
Her light radiated like a beam of the sun itself.  She held aloft a blazing sword in on hand and a set of scales in the other.  Her wings spread out in holy majesty and a golden glowing power emanated from her eyes.  Our heads were bowed and her voice boomed with the power which could rupture the hearts of any corrupt.  My father touched me on the shoulder and bade me forward.  His strong, comforting hand leading me to my destiny.  Five of us stepped forward, in our red and white robes and kneeled before our Lady Justice. 

Her command rang out and almost without will of our own, we rose in unison.  The more senior members stripped off our robes and laid us bare.  We were presented with basic rags and a small, dented, old breastplate.  An old hammer was placed in my hand and there we stood, apart, looking more like bandits than clerics, blazing in the light of her glory.

"The tribes of men worship the warmth of the sun, but they lack the understanding, the fairness, the mercy and the power of justice."  Her voice rang into our very souls.  We tried to look to her kind face, but the mighty of her glory forced us to avert our eyes.  "You, my children, have taken upon yourself to bring the balanced scales to the arbitrary, power-hungry, kingdoms of humanity.  Walk among them and show them the way of the light."

And with that, we bowed and marched out of the temple, biding our home farewell, for the last time.  Our long walk into the dark wilderness to bring law to the lawless, order to the chaos, light to darkness and the mercy of Lady Justice for all.  Without another word, the five of us walked into different directions, along different paths.  Mine took me to the fringes of the greatest empire of man, an empire valuing power and magic above divinity and balance.  Mine is a path with little hope, but still I march on.


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Re: The Hammer of Lady Justice - Tyranus Trulight
« Reply #1 on: October 24, 2018, 04:05:46 pm »

This land lacks law, order, justice.  It is a land built on power and the only order is the fear of said power. No lawbook to be found, no enforcement of the law, aside from whoever has a blade to force their will on others.  The powerful taking "justice" into their own hands, promoting tyranny and brutality.  But even here, there is hope.  Those who would bring order, law, justice exist.  They are a quiet voice among the roar of chaos.  I will find these voices, nurture them, and perhaps we too, will become a roar.  I will start with Hadrian.  Law, balance, fairness, it is not an impossibility.  I will uphold my task to my matron.


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The Hammer of Lady Justice Tyranus Trulight
« Reply #2 on: February 11, 2019, 03:24:57 am »
Thats the problem with soil nests... Do you want to turn this into a journal on them?