In Character > Journals & Backgrounds

Theren Sontr'e's Past and to be Future

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Night time of this quiet day had just began, I hear the shouts of night callers in the midst of the rising moon. My next attempt, that is. I will try to shine the light of the moon upon the map to see if anything will happen. I can't at this moment, for the clouds are covering the moon, as darkness overcomes this peaceful night...

Alas the clouds have past, the night began to feel more, darker than usual... Not a darkness of fear, of course, but the feeling of loneliness overcame, and it seems I had not been alone in the feeling. Though many people were around, the feeling still occurred.

This feeling must not overcome my works, though. I must prevail and seek the truth upon this map... I waited until the peak of the moon, shining upon the lands as if Selune had been watching us... And now, it has shined upon the map, and nothing...just nothing, I do not understand why it didn't work... What am I missing? What do I need in order for the words to clear? This...this gem... So useless if it only can tell me the... *A pause breaks as Theren goes into thought*

Maybe... Just maybe... Does the light have to shine upon the gem, so that the light reveals what the words mean? Was it written in an ink that was partly invisible? Hmm... I must try, for if it does not work, I have no idea towards understanding how to reveal the words... The light... I need a light, but which one? I do not know, and I must find out...

Grandmaster Sontr'e, The Monk's Journal

"With the fear of dark, from within, the feeling of loneliness and that of a sin, sorrow and grief will reveal, but before doing so one must feel, the evil will spread amongst the lands, but entrust in each other to group up and stand"

Grandmaster Sontr'e, The Monk's Journal

The time has come... Yesterday night, I had missed my chance to see if the moonlight through the gem reveals the missing words. Now it is morning, a new day, with many possibility. I must await until the prime of the sun, for just the perfect moment for the gem to shine in its place...*The section finishes*

Alas, the time has arrived, I am so close to hopefully uncovering the secrets to the map. The gem... The light is now shining upon it and...Only have of the words showed up. I must write them down, so I can memorize it more easily. Perhaps, I must wait until moonlight for the rest to uncover. "Deep amongst the woods of elves, time will pass within themselves..."

Many more questions, but maybe the Southern forest? Nuall'an may have my answers, but I must wait until nightfall, for the moon to shine upon the rest of the words and reveal the full notes of scribbles.

"Rocks of fire thrown across the landscape, Screaming of men, trying to escape, Clashing of swords and riddling of steel, Punctured wounds will make one squeal, Dead across the land of blood, Shields and Belts, with broken studs, Fear within the men of battle, moaning like a herd of cattle, Death is all that awaits the men, If not now, tell them when."

Grandmaster Sontr'e, The Monk's Journal


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