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Messages - Rainman

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Setting Information / Re: Faction: Arcanist Guild
« on: December 28, 2018, 11:47:38 pm »
// OOC if your seeking to become a Wizard Harry, this is the path to take. It has a test to be taken that will decide your fate within the Arcanist Guild. Speak with a PC member or contact a DM. 

Setting Information / Re: Faction: 14th Legion
« on: December 28, 2018, 11:39:41 pm »
// OOC Best way to join is seek out a current PC member or contact a DM.

Setting Information / Faction: 14th Legion [ CLOSED ]
« on: December 28, 2018, 11:38:29 pm »
The 14th Legion

Brief Overview:

High Commander:
Lord Turi Dukarrus- Current Leader of House Dukarrus

Grand Marshall:
Benedict Paxx - Founder of the 14th Legion

Chief of Justice:
Uris Paxton - Justiciar of Amaunator

Milda Lutton - Current Overseer of Hadrian Garrison

The 14th Legion of the Dukarrus army. Originally kept a secret they operated in the shadows for Lord Turi Dukarrus, his own personal unit that acted as a “Internal Police” of his legions. Members of the 14th legion often investigated other sections of the Dukarrus army rooting out and publicly executing anyone wishing to become a turncoat or was found to be secretly plotting against the army.

However, times have changes and with House Dukarrus retreating from the field of battle, Lord Dukarrus sets the 14th to another task; bringing the fear of the Netherese empire to Hadrian.

With the great losses of life whilst fighting the Cult, the 14th legion were deployed to Hadrian to fix its current lawlessness. They make their punishments very public and rely on a level of fear to enforce law, using things like branding and burning traitors alive in the town square.

They adopt a unique outlook amongst the army, denying the use of and focusing on the resistance of Arcane magic. Legion chemists ensure that their recruits also focus on the enhancement of the human physical form, using alchemical stimulants and an often deadly and painful initiation process.

Due to the ever growing desire to perfect the human condition, only humans are accepted into the 14th, primarily as fighters with occasional clerics.

On very rare cases non-martial classes such as are accepted as specialty units, but this is not common, and any users of Arcane are immediately turned away.

Setting Information / Re: Faction: Noble House Reschotti [CLOSED]
« on: December 28, 2018, 11:22:59 pm »
This faction is now closed and is now an NPC faction. More information to come.

Setting Information / Re: Faction: Noble House Dukarrus
« on: December 28, 2018, 11:21:05 pm »
Closed - See !4th Legion Faction Write-up for links/connection to this NPC faction.

Netherese Library / Re: The Library
« on: December 14, 2018, 12:08:42 pm »
History of Conflict

Conflict of Two Archmages.

History of conflict.

Before start to speak about this important battle what happened on enclave Valstiir, it is important to first know history behind conflict of two Archmages. Conflict between two Archmages and enclaves, Roz'dha and Valstiir, have history of few months. Someone may say what this conflict have longer history behind. Truth is, what two Archmages was not able solve this conflict peacefully and in early days few small battles happened in lands of Lower Empire. Rumors says what main goal Archmage Roz'dha it is achieve divinity in other words to become god. Perhaps it is main reasons why Roz'dha fights with other enclaves and perhaps Valstiir was key person to achieve his goal.In majority, Roz'dha used necromancy school magic. Important to say, what Roz'dha not only achieved lichdom but also in past defeated one or more Archmages with their enclaves. Archmage Roz'dha have large experience in art of magic and perhaps Roz'dha may be one of skilled necromancer in Empire in our time. His army, his whole enclave was entirely based around negative energy and so Roz'dha army was mainly made from undeads. Though few veterans speaks what it was possible to encounter with demons and other outsiders from Abyss who was served to Archmage Roz'dha. And of course many armies of undeads was lead by powerful and intelligent undeads such as vampires, cursed warriors, wights and so on. Important to note, what in ranks of Roz'dha enclave there was also alive humans and beings. Mostly it was arcanists necromancers, servants and agents who was enslaved or was attracted by power and promises. Small conflicts and battles what was happening in Lower Empire between agents of two enclaves and their armies was slowly leading to culmination of whole conflict between two Archmages. Nor Roz'dha nor Valstiir not was stepping back and each Archmages was planning to win and slowly small fights between their agents was escalated to large battles between armies on grounds of Lower Empire. It was only question of time when main forces of Roz'dha will come to try claim and destroy Valstiir enclave.

Battle for Valstiir

Brilliant and Wise Valstiir was long preparing for what will come. All arcanists and citizens of Lower Empire was working all together as single tool in Valstiir's hands, following her orders without any words and hesitate. Valstiir was ready for final battle between two enclaves and she prepared not only defeat Roz'dha but and destroy his enclave. Risky but worth effort plan to destroy whole enclave by powerful sun-ray. It was not that easy to make and important part of this plan was to break inside Roz'dha enclave and place beacon for sun-ray. Magical staff what was trusted to one Arcanist.

Roz'dha enclave was slowly floating toward Valstiir enclave. Closer and closer. Air was foul and it had smell of rot and death. All noble houses, all arcanists and few brave adventurers was on streets of Valstiir enclave, prepared for last battle, prepared to give their own life to destroy army of lich and bring victory to Archmage Valstiir. Battle started unexpected too soon. Perhaps Archmage Valstiir not paid too much attention to it or her mind was busy with other non less important tasks or even it was work of traitors and Roz'dha agents, but Roz'dha first assault group was used Valstiir's portals in Lake District which not was closed or warded by magic. Small group was trying fight back against assaulting group of undeads and demons but it was not enough forces and more and more undeads was coming from portals. Valstiir small forces made retreat to Market District where was located main Valstiir's army and Valstiir herself. Roz'dha swiftly claimed Lake District and used portals as source for own army which was already walking in Valstiir streets. Roz'dha clearly had plans quickly end this battle, not trying give any time to his enemies to regroup. Roz'dha started send his main forces from Lake District right to Market District. But brave warriors of Valstiir repelled coming waves of undeads and demons again and again. It was single moment when Roz'dha forces stopped attacking and Valstiir used it as opportunity to create powerful portal spell what was able to bring single group on Roz'dha Enclave. Many brave warriors (and your author) walked forward to portal, promising what they will bring victory to Valstiir. As group of brave heroes teleported on other enclave, battles on Valstiir renewed and continues. Narrow streets of Valstiir was filled with blood and bone dust.Strong spells was casted from both sides and battles in different Valstiir districts did not stops. In same time group of brave heroes inside Roz'dha enclave was already making their own way to deeper parts of enclave. Most strongest undead guardians, demons, nightwalkers, arcanists was trying to stop them but brave heroes was continue their way. Even Archmage Roz'dha himself was trying corrupt and convince heroes change their sides promising to them immortality and endless power. But heroes refused offer of Archmage. Heroes was close to their final destination. Mythallar. Place where trusted Arcanist should put magical staff which would serve as beacon for powerful sun-ray. Mythallar was guarded by powerful vampire of giant size and strange outlook. No any spells or any sword was able to make deep cut to this creature. His wounds was regenerating with great speed and his hits was strong enough to left deadly wound without much efforts. But heroes acted swiftly, they disturbed vampire and arcanist used moment to put staff in Mythallar. After moment - large amount of magic was conjured on Valstiir enclave and it was sent toward Roz'dha enclave. It was enough to destroy whole enclave. Spells and magic of Roz'dha enclave begins slowly fade and large dark castles started slowly crumble. Vampire guardian not was defeated and heroes was in need to leave falling enclave before it was too late. Running long corridors and followed by giant vampire - heroes managed to escape in last moment. Roz'dha enclave was very close to Valstiir enclave and some parts was crushed against Old Quarters of Valstiir. Followed Vampire was turned to dust once it followed heroes outside of Enclave where he was burned by sun rays and spells from arcanists.
     With destruction enclave, remaining undead army on streets of Valstiir was destroyed too. And so heroes of Valstiir which names engraved on statue in Old Quarters was bring victory for Archmage. 

From memories of one hero.

I grew up in Valstiir, but I left the floating city when my family cast me out for reasons which are not relevant here.  In the following months, I settled below and divided my time between Hadrian and Southbank.  I rarely returned to Valstiir apart from the occasional visit to the Church of Tyche which is one of the few places there I have fond memories of.
     When the threat of Rozdha rose once more, I was conflicted.  I had little affection left for the enclave above or the family that had disowned me.  It was tempting to simply let matters happen as they will.  But my best friend, the elf Allania, had been bestowed with something that was both a great boon and a terrible burden- a helmet of Amaunator that many believed could turn the tide against the undead villain.  I forced myself to board that airship with the sole intention of supporting my friend.
      We assembled near the solar collectors of Valstiir, machinery that I could not ever hope to understand.  My intention of standing by Allania’s side were quickly ended… we were all separated into groups with varying missions.  Allania would be on the front line, away from me.  I saw another friend, the halfling Bosco Fries, join a group that was infiltrating Rozdha’s enclave.  He wished me godspeed as he departed.  It was the last time I ever saw him.  The group I was assigned to was ordered by Lord Dukkarus to protect Archmage Valstiir as she performed a ritual.  Stronkonov was leading this party, and someone gave me the simple orders “protect the Archmage, and stay close to Stronkonov”.
    We repelled the first few waves of undead horrors with relative ease.  I fired bolt after bolt into their masses and sang my songs and cast my spells to inspire my fellow defenders.  Stronkonov was an unyielding wall of muscle.  The Archmage worked with incredible discipline, seemingly oblivious to the swirling violence so close to her person.  I saw Will Rogers leading the line of defenders close to us, shouting orders as he cut through the enemy.  At one point a wounded bone giant managed to smash through the line and approach the Archmage.  By some miracle I was able to finish the battered monster off with my spear and a song of curse before it could reach the Archmage.
     In a lull in the fighting, I was tasked with helping to clear the street of the shattered undead corpses so we had room to fight.  We had just barely finished that when the assault began again.  Yet another horde of shambling monsters of splintered bone and rotting flesh hurled themselves upon us.  This time, our line began to creak and  Will Rogers ordered a retreat to the council district.  My blood was up.  I was fighting harder and better than I ever had before, and in my youthful arrogance I thought I could cover the retreat.  But it was too chaotic.  Warriors far greater than I fled past me, and I did not realise the danger I was in until my retreat had been blocked by a mass of festering walking corpses.
With any hope of reaching the council district now lost to me, my thoughts turned to self-preservation.  I remembered the streets well enough to flee down some narrow alleyways and lose the bulk of my lumbering pursuers.  I found an unlocked door and hurled myself through it.  As the monsters attempted to pound their way in I piled up every scrap of furniture I could to make a barricade.  With time to think now, I despaired at my foolishness.  I could not help my friends or the other defenders, trapped as I was.  My exhaustion suddenly dawned on me and I slumped against my barricade, dozing off despite the noises of the walking corpses attempting to claw their way inside.
      When I awoke the city was almost silent.  I slipped out of my improvised sanctuary and found the undead that had trapped me had been slain, presumably by adventurers or the town watch.  As I staggered towards the airship back to Hadrian it was clear that Rozdha had been defeated and Valstiir had survived.  From the people I passed I heard the most startling tales.  A servant of Amaunator had manifested and fought alongside my friend Allania.  Rozdha’s enclave had fallen and crashed to the earth below.  But it was not until I arrived back in Hadrian that I saw Allania again and knew that she had survived, and I learned the tragic news that Bosco had not.  He would have been proud of me if he’d seen me fight… he told me once “you are more powerful than you think.  If someone comes at you, you put them in the ground”.   After surviving the battle of Valstiir, I am actually starting to believe in myself.


It is known what Archmage Roz'dha not was presenting on his own enclave. Perhaps he was prepared for his defeat and it is question of time when Roz'dha will gather new forces in attempts to claim enclave of other Archmage and try ascend to Divinity.

Sharifa Mel'Amen, Morgaine Pritchard

Netherese Library / Re: Contribution sent to the library of Vastiir
« on: December 14, 2018, 09:00:37 am »
Great Work

I shall put it on display as Book of the Month in the Library

But I feel this tale is not over and there is more to tell, that can be for another time

Albert Pendragon, Master Librarian

Netherese Library / Re: Contribution sent to the library of Vastiir
« on: November 30, 2018, 09:21:20 am »

We take all books, those of fiction or truth. I would first discuss such a move to the Library with your Lord, he is large benefactor of the library but he might take issue in taking your services from his House.

I will put the tea on for our meeting. 

Albert Pendragon, Master Librarian

  • In regards to question 6 when punishment is to be kicked off of the edge of the Enclave, if the party had actually been able to fly or somehow survived the fall would their sentence have been considered served?
  • Other sentences have been disintegrated on the spot by the Archmage, of course she gives them a chance to survive

  • What is the typical format for these kinds of trials? Is there subpoena? Mandatory calling of witnesses? Cross-examination of witnesses? Opportunity to discredit written or spoken testimony by proving that the source is unreliable?
  • The trials are simple, provide the evidence for and against. Witnesses maybe questioned and the judge may ask his/her own. Judgement and punishment can be on the spot or may take time to look over the evidence

  • Are past contributions to the community taken into account when sentencing is given? Can leniency of a judge be expected if the accused is found guilty, but has been an exemplary citizen and contributor to the state?
  • Maybe depending on the charge, generally in lesser cases

* your research finds the following answers *

  • 1) What prerequisites, if any, are required to act as an advocate for the accused?
  • None, only an understanding of the Laws of Valstiir or Hadrian depending on the location the crime was committed

  • 2) What position is in charge of overseeing the trial of someone accused of a capital crime within the enclave?
  • Minster for the Interior, Amy Rose or when Archmage Valstiir see fit to oversee

  • 3) What is required to be a recognized minister of the court within Valstiir?
  • Ministers are appointed by the Archmage, if needed.

  • 4) Who determines the guilt or innocence of the accused in the instance of crimes against the state? (Tribunal? Single Judge? Jury?)
  • The Empire is made up of many Enclaves and Human Cities, the owner of the individual Enclaves oversee local matters. It is rare that other Lords or Archmages would get involved in any local matters unless did concerned them directly

  • 5) Out of the judges who preside over these cases, which of them has the highest recorded average of rulings in favor of accused traitors or against agents of House Dukarrus itself?
  • Anything against the House on the Enclave is dealt with by the Archamge and within the region of Hadrian the Archmage trusts the judgement of the Church of Amaunator and in general doesnt not get involved in local matters, the Archmage has her Noble House and Local authorised to look after this.

  • 6) Are there any precedents for situations where a party was charged with treason within the Valstiir Enclave for not directly instigating war with the enclave, but rather committing an act of war against a foreign state and inciting hostilities? If so, what was the verdict?
  • Yes, theses parties where killed on the spot after a quick trial and decision made by the Archmage . A punishment on the Enclave is simply to be pushed off the Citadel with the words ' Get off my Enclave, if you can not follow my rules ... fly if you can'. 

  • 7) Is there any legal recourse for members of House Dukarrus abusing the power of their position for personal gain?
  • That would be the Judge's decision, as such would be reported to Lord Dukarrus, if such was shown to be true.

  • 8 ) Is solicitation by a legionnaire for bribes to drop charges legally punishable?
  • It is up to House Dakarrus as overseers of the laws and defence of Hadrian to pursue any charges. Any misconduct should be taken directly to the House or in matters concerning the Region of Hadrian should be taken up with a Council member

  • 9) What is the balance in regards to burden of proof when a commoner is charged with a high crime by a legionnaire of Dukarrus? Does the court typically favor Dukarrus? Is the accused considered guilty until proven innocent? If so, how much proof is needed?
  • Evidence is provided to the Judge overseeing the matter. Both parties provide their evidence but House Dukarrus would not purse a charge unless evidence was not provided to a ranking member of the House. The Judge will then give his or her ruling and the ruling is final.

  • other) Unrelated to Legal issues (Likely asked of the clerk in the Dukarrus garrison on Valstiir and not at the library): Who is Legionnaire Tor Fensblood's direct superior?
  • Steward Ranald

Netherese Library / Re: Trap schematics
« on: November 21, 2018, 07:58:35 am »
The Librarian asked if you are looking for information on Hunting Traps?

Netherese Library / Re: Stories, Tales and Events
« on: November 19, 2018, 04:09:24 am »
Seeking submissions to add to the library about the Battle for Valstiir.

Tales and stories of bravery and facts about happened.

Albert Pendragon, Master Librarian

Feedback and Bugs / Re: Fire Orc Quest
« on: November 18, 2018, 03:05:57 pm »
I can run a test run with some peeps on next reset if needed

You will need to confirm an Update was done

Feedback and Bugs / Re: Fire Orc Quest
« on: November 18, 2018, 04:33:19 am »
1. The traps on the bridge still do way to much damage. Remove them entirely if they cannot do less damage, or I can help provide a 1d6 fire dmg script for you guys. They are anti-fun.
- removed 3/4 of them and the average ones, leaving the odd minor Fire trap. See how that goes

2. The only things that spawned were Orc Champions, Or Scouts, and Lava Spitters, aside from the Orcan Firebreathers. Please adjust the encounters to allow for greater spawn variety. Orc Walls, Orc Fodder, and Orc Flankers should be appearing.
- Split the spawns to make this happen

3. Orcan Firebreathers should have their mestil's acid sheathe removed and have it replaced with Elemental Fire Shield. Secondly, remove their chain lightning so as to encourage the use of the firebrand spell. They should use fire spells.
- yeah sound good

4. Bump the AB on the Lava Spitters. They do 10/5 AB, and anyone in the quest range will have 30+ ac consistently. If you can make it say, 15 AB, we're gold. Also remove the fire bolt they use, it bugs their AI after use and causes them stand there moronically.
- Done

5. If we can get UOABIGAIL Crafting to work with the mystic forge to check  your blacksmithing skill and roll a 1d20 to create a powerful weapon in the forge where the boss spawns, that'd be kickass as fuck.
- Not me :)

6. That room with the Orcan Fireblade spawns Waaaaay to many Orcan Firebreathers. I intended to have only 2 spawn with the mini-boss, not 4+
- Done, it had 4 max, min 2

7. Gold pay out should be over 1000 gold, it's an incredibly expensive quest as it is, I used 60+ cure serious potions and got back shit in supplies, really.
- Done

Treasure found?

All changes in place as of next Update

Please revisit and provide feedback. Thanks in advance

Feedback and Bugs / Re: Fire Orc Quest
« on: November 18, 2018, 02:36:05 am »
THe mirror doesnt update your journal and you cannot complete the quest.

I am guessing the end boss doesn't have the Quest_ID but I will check

Spiffy I can fix most of that quickly

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