In Character > Public Notices

The Webberman Horde: Rules, current status and all things needed to run a war

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Strategies will be divided into types:


Strategies can do lots of stuff from restoring lost troop strength or morale, damaging the enemy armies morale and troop strength before battle or even block enemy strategies as a counter or even counter the counter.

Arcane Strategies:

Arcane Barrage: deals automatic 1d6 damage to the enemy army before combat. Increases by one for every two lvls of sorcerer or wizard after lvl 2.

Darkness: Blocks the enemy battle strategy

Fireball: does 1d12 damage to troop strength before combat. Increases by 1d every 3 arcane spell caster lvls after lvl 3.

Wall of fire: counters a charge strategy and deals 3d6 damage to enemy army strength.

Leadership Strategies:

Stand and fight: Restores 1d6 morale plus half commander or officers whole charisma score. Can’t be blocked.

Warcry: Restores 1d8 morale plus half intimidate score. Deals that much as morale damage to enemy.

Reposition: Can move a single unit block to a different front before combat starts. Blocks one enemy strategy.

Incite violence: roll 3 1d12s + 1/2 strength score of commander or officer. Use the highest and lowest and inflict that as damage to the enemy army strength. Take the middle as damage to your own army strength

Inspire forces: Your army heals 1d12 + 1/2 charisma score. One flank can’t take morale damage for one turn of combat from any source

Fire Volley: (requires archer unit) does 1d10 per unit block with ranged spec to enemy troop strength

Hold the line: blocks enemy strategy. Heals the army 1d6 morale

As predicted: blocks an enemy strategy.

Cunning Strategies:

Agile maneuver: can be used at anytime to nullify an enemy block of a strategy. Roll 1d6(1-3) the strategy fails (4-6) this strategy succeeds.

Deploy potion reserves: Can be used after combat on a front. Heals 2d6 + (potion making skill rank) to troop strength.

Devious tactic: deals 2d4 casualties. Deals half even if blocked.

Exposed plans: View the opposing armies available strategies before putting them into play. May select one tjat MUST played by the opposing commander

Explosive trap: (requires chemistry) deal 1d8 + chemistry skill rank to enemy troop strength on one designated front

Outflank and destroy: can only be played once during the entire army battle. Destroy one whole unit block assigned to the targeted front before combat.

Martial strategies:

Devestate the field: Deal 1d12+ 1/2 str score casualties.

Duel to the death: challange an enemy elite or officer to single combat. If they agree, the two fight before battle but is icly assumed to be occurring while battle rages around them. The two battle and the winner deals 50 morale damage to the enemy fronts forces. Their army recovers 25 morale. The loser rolls a d20 1-10 they die(PCs will stay in purgatory until raised by an ally or cleric after the battle is over). 11-20 they are seriously wounded and must pull back from the battle and wait in the medical tent till the battle is over.

Heroic charge: Deals 1d8 plus 1/2 str score casualties to the enemy troop strength and restores that amount to your fronts morale.

Divine strategies:

Castigate: deal 1d8 + 1/2 wisdom score damage to morale. If you worship a god who has the pain domain, you deal the damage to troop strength as well.

Lay on hands: Restore 1d8 + 1/2 wisdom score to troop strength. Healing domain doubles this.

Litany: Restores 1d8 + 1/2 wisdom score morale.

Raise/animate dead: If a front is lost, this will ensure that at least one unit block will survive and be retained by the army instead of being permanently destroyed. Clerics to elect to do either raise dead or animate which will instead spawn an undead unit block of equal tier to the one lost. (Mages can use this strategy too as an arcane but need spell focus necromancy and can only elect to use the animate dead version.)

Surge of faith: Recharge a strategy immediately. Takes 3 turns to recharge this strategy after use

Performance strategies:

Heroic ballad: All fronts regain morale at 1d6 + performance skill total.

There will be more to come as we go forward but here is a rough summary of what you have available

Troop spawns:

Unit blocks will spawn a number of their respective units on the front assigned. This will likely be a set amount for tier 1s based on 1d cr/1.2 + commander lvl rounded up. But we will probably change this. Still considering tier 2.

More info to come


While we focus on one part of the battle it is to be assumed that all around you there is battle of soldiers fighting and dying. In order to replicate the attrition of war we have a few ways of running.

The current  is what’s calculated immediately after the fighting in the fronts are done. For each remaining spawn, does a base set of damage per tier type. This amount is totaled and done as damage to the enemy armies troop strength and 1/3 for it to morale for the unit strength and morale assigned to that block. The damage is also divided by 1/3 and that 1/3 damage is done to your army to represent attrition from battle.

This system piece is up for debate to ensure fairness


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