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Messages - ToxicWrench

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Scribed in an elegant if somewhat old styled hand, hung on most prominent noticeboards.

Payment offered for legitimate information, relics or oddities regarding the ancient Noble House of Voust of the Southern Trails of Hadrian.

If you have such, my tower sits amongst the cursed lands of old. 

Leave missive at the door and knock six times with intent.

Matriarch Letta De Venin

Public Notices / Re: Rumours, Gossip and Whispers.. ((DM Posts Only))
« on: November 24, 2021, 11:16:34 am »
Those who dare travel the cursed trails of the once Voust claimed land in the Southern Woods have made mention of a small tower appearing on the outskirts of the woods.

Despite the thick and unfaltering darkness that has plagued the area for as long as any can remember, strange sounds and lights have been spotted from the peak of the tower. Some mention that it's almost as if the shadows themselves have began to recede from the small plot of land the tower sits upon.   

If the team doesn't like what a player is doing with a character, handle it after they have done it. Ban them

The issue with this is, we're not always around to watch players and without apps we have no idea who's playing what.

It also puts us in a very difficult situation in game where instead of running cool events and plots with our game time, we're stuck explaining to players why they can't/shouldn't be playing said race/class etc the way they are.

As for banning that is a complete last resort for players that actively harm the community, not just people that don't understand the rules.

New Features / Re: Collectables and Hidden Items
« on: December 15, 2019, 07:32:30 am »
There are four suits of Collectable Talis cards, with ten cards in each suit.

"Fate", numbers 2-9 and a "Dragon" card in each suit. There are also five collectable figurines to be found.

A complete suit may be handed in for a reward, with a much more significant reward given to the first player to find all 40 Cards and 5 Figurines.  8)

General Discussion / Re: Should Quest Areas Be Opened
« on: October 29, 2019, 06:22:29 am »
Edit: However, the problem I see with this also that folks will drag their friends along and folks won't actually be earning that quest XP; they'll just be along for the ride while the higher level kills all the spawns.

Exactly this, it's fine saying that you personally won't do this but the majority of players most likely will. And nothing stops a high level player from just giving people a free ride through all the low quests risk free. That's the key part here, quests of all levels need to have risk of some sort. Opening them to all levels completely removes that.

There are multiple exploreable areas focused on undead as well though? Do some of you feel that there is an issue with the current exploreable areas in terms of variety, risk or reward (whether that is xp, gold, consumeable or loot)?

To me, this is the real question that we should be asking. Quests are there for people to group up for but ideally there should be plenty to do for every level. Hence the exploration/open areas. Do we need more of them, greater rewards or larger areas? Because that's what it sounds like  8)

New Features / Collectables and Hidden Items
« on: October 16, 2019, 12:20:23 am »
Some of you may have noticed certain collectable items appearing around the place. There is now several full sets that you can find in game by doing everything from exploring areas and solving puzzles to questing and killing bosses.

 Whoever completes them all will get a special reward. How many there are and what to look out for can be found by speaking with certain "collectors" in game. One of which is accessible by monster races. Up to you all to find them  8)

Crafting Discussion / Re: Treasure Hunting for Fun and Profit!
« on: October 16, 2019, 12:18:27 am »
Is the loot found generally pretty poor compared to the time/risk?

General Discussion / Re: What would you like to see on N:AoM?
« on: September 08, 2019, 08:49:43 am »
Yes please, give me some work to do  8)

Setting Information / Re: Faction: 14th Legion
« on: March 08, 2019, 05:21:06 am »
//added class/race requirements that were left out  from initial post

Announcements / Regarding PC Monster Race Slaves.
« on: November 19, 2018, 11:58:30 pm »
Playing a non-traditional Monster Race such as a slave to another player requires an application.

Any Monster players that haven't done so can be killed on sight as per the usaul monster rules and may find Hadrian hostile if they attempt to enter alone.

Also some areas are off limits to monsters even as slaves which can be discussed during the application.

Setting Information / Old Map - for reference
« on: October 18, 2018, 07:46:13 am »
Map of the extended region

Map of the local region

Netherese Library / Re: Research: Family Voust (Any dm)
« on: September 28, 2018, 08:46:46 am »
The Librarian shows her to "Vasacuis’ Monograph of Valstiir", a collection of books written by Vasacuis Luca the IIIrd who is currently a guest at the library.

The Downfall of Noble House Voust.

Dearest Reader,
I am Vasacuis Luca the IIIrd, and this is Vasacuis’ Monograph of Valstiir. Volume One, Issue Four.

We have touched upon the Noble Houses of Valstiir before. The might of Dukarrus’ armies, the vast wealth of Reschotti’s coffers and the limitless potential of Skettus’ artefacts. But I fear there remains but another noble house that has not yet been swallowed up by the empire’s brutality.
That dear readers, is House Voust. Some natives of Hadrian may know the name, for House Voust was a prominent power in the Southern parts of Hadrian for generations. However much like many of the now-extinct Noble Houses, Voust also resisted the Empire’s advancement into Hadrian.

It was the head of Maxwell Voust that initiated the defence of Voust Estate against the Empire around the year 1845. Have you seen the current state of the land surrounding Voust Estate, reader?

If so then I am sure you will notice a vast crevasse that splits the land from east to west, dozens of feet deep, the old stone bridge to the east split asunder? This was Maxwell Voust’s final attempt at repelling an advancing legion of Dukarrus soldiers. You see House Voust was once stockpiled with a great amount of Alchemist’s Fire. It was said that Maxwell himself stood atop the Eastern watchtower to trigger the explosion, but was himself killed by the debris, along with dozens of Dukarrus Legionaries.

 But I digress...

Let us focus on the current day; Morgana Voust now heads Voust Estate, signing a treaty with Valstiir that enables her to keep a minor claim to nobility as a Baroness.
In return, the Empire spared what remained of her house and confiscated their entire source of Alchemical Fire, which I am sure now lines the storage halls of Dukarrus’ Garrison.
There was street-talk of Morgana Voust having a brother. But I, Vasacuis Luca the IIIrd do not deal in matters or rumour and gossip, were there a male member in House Voust, he too would have been slain during the rebellion against the Empire.

//Can also be found IG

General Discussion / Re: Theme song.
« on: September 28, 2018, 08:39:29 am »
Some fitting theme songs for our local Nobles 8)

House Voust
House Reschotti

General Discussion / Re: Disc: DM events - Party comp.
« on: September 26, 2018, 08:09:57 am »
Remarking on that note, if I've made a small event that's specifically designed for a small group and 20 people rock up, I would be turning them away.

However these events are rarely announced publicly as that will "open the flood gates" so to speak. We all try to make events as open to as many as possible, but it's unrealistic to think that is always the case.

General Discussion / Re: pvp discussion
« on: September 22, 2018, 07:51:27 am »
I disagree. You know how this gets handled on servers with successful PvP rules?
1) Openly insulting and/or provoking someone is an open invitation to PvP. (Why? Because people often try to hide behind PvP rules as a way to avoid maintaining IC civility and then prevent retaliation.)
2) DMs and Players start saying, "NO fussing when you lose, absolutely none." (No one whines. Whiners get reprimanded by DMs.)
3) The loser of any PvP encounter is ruled to have their memory wiped of anything hostile during the last 24 hours. (In other words, you remember that really cool and useful (for a quest, for example), but your character can't remember the PvP encounter.)

PvP guidelines need to be in place. Being able to engage in bad behavior (IC or OOC) is not something rules should allow

This is what we had initially, more or less. And it didn't work.

When the entire DM team has to stop what they're working on and deal with the fallout of a single PvP encounter for days at a time, dealing with dramatics, tears and rage quits. Something isn't working.

So as the others have said, until everyone learns to play nice and start acting like PvP is part of the game not a personal attack, we have our current rules.

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