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Netheril : Age of Magic

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Messages - UOAbigail

Pages: [1]

Having never been to any of these events as a player, let alone as a DM, I am actually kinda surprised by this.

I had no idea that such events were scaled in this way... to be honest, I had assumed (apparently wrongly) that such events were run with a specific set of mobs/strengths/weaknesses either pre-planned or adjusted on-the-fly regardless of player inventories... and players' characters stood or fell based upon their skill as a player in combat (or their retreat from same), their pre-preparedness, and the luck of the dice.

This changes a few things in my mindset.


Announcements / Re: Meet the DMs
« on: July 18, 2018, 03:22:10 pm »
Greetigs.  UOAbigail here.. guess I should post a blurb about myself as well.

I am mostly a scripter.. some of you may know of me already in that regard.  While I technically 'can' DM, if you happen to see me ingame as a DM, it's mostly going to be in order to test something or other or to assist someone with something.

Feel free to send me any suggestions for things you'd like to see added to the mod (or NWN in general) as I like to pick through ideas and see what all can be accomplished.

If I am in game as a DM and not bugtesting.. well.. I'm probably looking to cause trouble.   Both for myself and for the players.  Light on RP, heavy on automation and intimidation.  You will never know if that small group of ogres that suddenly appeared on the outskirts of town, or that random flock of chickens running around *inside* of town, were sent there by me or not... so beware ;)


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