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The Order of the Diversifiable Deities



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An Order not fixed or involved in Political and Economic issues within the society. The Order of the Diversifiable Deities is one that is open to a variety of Religions, the fixed rule upon the situation is that it must be within the standards of Neutral or Good Alignment. Not to the individual, because any individual will believe that their god falls into that category,but it must be a public view. It will be decided over time of discussion and review upon the given name. It can also be viewed as a more...simple... life. They focus on priorities, such as: Food production, Purification of Water (Drinkable), Herbal and Medical advancement and production. In the Order, they will focus, mainly, to each other, but may help, and guide the peoples who come and seek it from us. As an Order that is of diversity to the concept of deities, we will also be open to knew ideas and concepts as we also, will spread and inform those who seek. It is a mutual relationship between the two, learning from each other, helping each other become greater than ones self. It has been known that one person is not as good as 2 persons. So come, come and join or at least come seek knowledge so we can share opinions and concepts.

Grandmaster Sontr'e, The Monk

For more information, seek the Grandmaster Sontr'e, The Monk.
Such applies for Rules, Oaths, Concepts, and any other questions that may come to mind.


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